Arkadij Severnij Programma Dlya Goskoncerta

DlyaArkadij Severnij Programma Dlya Goskoncerta

Alternative Title: Aleksandr Sergeyevich Dargomyzhsky Aleksandr Dargomyzhsky, in full Aleksandr Sergeyevich Dargomyzhsky, (born Feb. 14, New Style], 1813, near, Russia—died Jan. 17], 1869, St. Petersburg), Russian composer of songs and operas whose works are now seldom performed. Dargomyzhsky grew up in as a talented amateur musician, playing the violin and piano and dabbling in.

His acquaintance with the composer (1833) turned his thoughts more seriously toward composition, and in 1839 he completed his first opera, Esmeralda (after; performed 1847). Underoath they re only chasing safety special edition torrent. Two other operas followed: The Triumph of Bacchus (1845; performed 1867) and Rusalka (after; produced 1856). In his songs Dargomyzhsky developed an individual vein of humour and satire. His orchestral pieces (e.g., Finnish Fantasia, Cossack Dance, and Baba-Yaga) were notable for their harmonic experiments. After 1866 he became interested in developing a Russian national of great dramatic realism and began to set Pushkin’s play Kamennygost ( ) to a species of melodically heightened recitative, with entire passages composed in the mode. This work aroused the interest of and his circle, particularly; when Dargomyzhsky died, the score was completed by and orchestrated.

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