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🌎👨‍🎓Improvement of language skills for GRIAT students 2️⃣ GRIAT students are offered an opportunity to learn and enhance their language skills in German. 🇩🇪🗣️The Centre for German language at GRIAT was opened In September, 2015. The main objective of the Centre is teaching the German language to all GRIAT students. Here the students can also learn more about the grant programs of DAAD, familiarize themselves with the history, culture, education and research in Germany, participate in various German cultural events and build cross-cultural bridges between the two countries. ☝️During the first and second semester all students get obligatory 90 minutes German classes per week in groups with maximum 15 learners. In the first academic year all students mostly achieve the level A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

🌎One of the criteria for choosing GRIAT for continuing studies is the opportunity to improve language skills. 🎓This is true, GRIAT provides full support and assistance to students in passing all international exams and also provides an opportunity to learn and improve their language skills in German.

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👨‍🎓👩‍🎓At GRIAT, all students are offered different courses: 1️⃣Preparing students for the IELTS test. GRIAT organizes special consultations where all the subtleties of the exam are examined. ☝️The main advantage for GRIAT students is the opportunity to pass IELTS preliminary testing. GRIAT together with the School of Foreign Languages 'LF School' and with the support of the Office of International Relations organizes IELTS pre-testing for its students, where students can determine their level and prepare for an international test. 📌Most frequent questions from applicants ❓Question: What are the diplomas and when do GRIAT graduates receive them?.


❗Answer: GRIAT graduates get double degrees after passing all exams, writing and defending their MSc thesis: ✔️Diploma of KNRTU - KAI ✔️Diploma of the German University, depending on the program on which the student studied. Because German academic semesters start and end later than in Russia (October-March; April-September), typically, if students don’t have to retake any exams, they schedule their MSc defense in August. Thus, they can receive both of their MSc diplomas in September/October.

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Those who have to retake an exam, move on to individual track, later defend their MSc thesis and receive both diplomas on the timeline agreed upon by both Russian and German supervisors. GRIAT graduation ceremony is typically in the middle of September to celebrate the achievements of students, help them get employment and nurture plans for the future. 📌Most frequent questions from applicants ❓Question: What questions are usually asked at a Skype interview? ❗Answer: It depends on your program. But there are also general questions, for example, what you studied earlier, what you plan to study (which area of the chosen specialty), why you chose this program, why you want to go to Germany and study in Ilmenau, Magdeburg or Kaiserslautern.

They may also ask if you know what disciplines you have to study, about your plans for the future, by whom you see yourself at the age of 30. 🌍Interviews with German professors will be in English, thus checking the conversational level of English.


📌Most frequent questions from applicants ❓Question: I'm an international student. Can I study at GRIAT? What expenses will I have in your country?

❗Answer: Yes. GRIAT is the largest educational project between Germany and Russia.

Every year the number of international students wishing to study at a full bi-national university is growing. We provide comfortable living conditions and advanced learning opportunities for all our students.

☝️The cost of studying and living in our country is lower compared to another European university, while the quality of education is at the same level (scroll right ➡️). 📌Most frequent questions from applicants ❓Question: What is the cost of studies at GRIAT?. ❗Answer: The cost of studies at GRIAT depends on the program. Russian students have the chance to get republican grants for tuition fees. 🌍For students from the CIS countries and international students from VISA countries education at GRIAT is paid. But international students have many advantages and cash savings when studying at GRIAT: ✔️the cost of studies in Kazan is much cheaper than in Germany ✔️living expenses are much lower than in Europe ✔️the quality of education and services is absolutely the same as in Germany ✔️as a result, international students receive 2 diplomas from leading universities, which are equally highly valued in Russia, Germany and around the world.